Gay sex scenes on tv

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Yep, looks like they were having loads of fun.įinally, we go south of the border for the Mexican dramedy The House Of Flowers.ĭario Yazbeck Bernal’s ass is in full bloom as he gets a double blow job after swapping spit with Federico Espejo. Suburra: Blood on Rome will get the blood pumping to your dome when Giacomo Ferrara slips his Italian sausage to Aleph Viola. Next, Sense8 crammed in plenty of gay (and bisexual) action during its infamous group sex scenes and the countless underwear-clad hookup sessions between Alfonso Herrera and Miguel Ángel Silvestre. Teen dream Arón Piper shares his teen cream with Omar Ayuso for a little extra credit! Some might say the best part of Netflix is binging… on butt! So our friends from Mr Men were kind enough to collect the hottest gay scenesfrom Netflix Originals, inspired by the new series Special where the creator and star Ryan O’Connell plays a virgin who gets special treatment from Brian Jordan Alvarez.Įlite proves that Spanish prep school kids really are privileged… to a pounding. Then we had Queer as Folk on Showtime, and these days… we have Netflix, for our hot-gay-sex on ‘mainstream’ TV fix. Get A Free Week To 5 Gay Porn Sites (Including Sean Cody!) ⮕

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